Presented in an entertaining yet instructional manner, this video series is designed to assist in teaching basic lab skills trainin
Capital Communications says this is the only series available on the market today that offers viewers a complete understanding of lab rules and procedures.
Available in CD-Rom, DVD, and video format.
Titles are as follows:.
Weighing - 21 minutes.
Terminology; Use and care of electronic analytical balance; Taring the balance; Weighing procedures for powders and liquids; Weighing by difference; Sources of error.
Filtering - 25 minutes.
Terminology; Folding and wetting paper; Procedures for using 60 degree fluted funnel, Buchner funnel, scintered glass crucible and Gooch crucible; Decanting and filtering techniques; Quantitative and qualitative transfers; Types of paper.
Titration - 25 minutes.
Terminology; Preparation and use of burettes; Meniscus alignment; Titration procedures; Indicator correction; Sources for error.
Pipetting - 19 minutes.
Conditioning and using analytical and serological pipettes; Use of repetitive dispenser; Safety notes; Importance of temperature and cleanliness.
Mixing and sampling - 20 minutes.
Terminology; Purpose and use of magnetic stirrer, agitator, volumetric flasks, Obtaining representative samples from different mixtures.
pH measurement - 17 minutes.
Terminology; The pH scale; Use of pH meters; Care, cleaning and storage of pH electrodes; Use and limitations of pH paper.
Glassware - 27 minutes.
Illustration, purpose and general use guidelines for beakers, Erlenmeyer flask, graduated cylinders, pipettes, volumetric flasks, separatory funnels, burettes, stirring rods, watch glass, mortar and pestle, rubber policeman, glass tubing and test tubes.
Standard lab equipment - 31 minutes.
Use of glassware cleaning vat, ultrasonic bath, centrifuge, Karl Fischer Unit, DI/HPLC water units, Waste solvent containers, heating tape, mantles, controllers, specific ION electrodes, compressed gas cylinders and vacuum pumps; Plus safety notes.
Use of syringes - 17 minutes.
Types and use of syringes (general purpose, gas, chromatography, and liquid chromatography); Using sealed vials; Weighing by difference; Safety notes.
Understanding data and SQC - 13 minutes.
Defining calibration, variability, precision, accuracy and statistical quality control; Plotting data on X-bar and R charts; Interpreting whether data are "in control" or "out of control".
Lab math and the metric system - 21 minutes.
Solving calculations containing parentheses; Averaging; Significant figures; Rules of rounding; percentages; Calculating parts per million; English/metric equivalents; Fahrenheit/Centigrade conversion.
Lab safety - 31 minutes.
Use of personal protective safety equipment (face shields, splash goggles, safety glasses, gloves, aprons, waste solvent cans, chemical storage cabinets, fire extinguishers, MSDS, and much more.
At last, lab managers and instructors have visual aids that will enhance their employees and/or students interest and knowledge about safely working in and around the different types of chemistry and science laboratories.