FEI has released its extreme field emission gun (X-FEG) electron source module for the Titan family of scanning transmission electron microscopes (S/TEMs).
The technology combines higher brightness with the high, ultra-stable current of thermally-assisted field emission.
FEI said this combination will improve the Titan's resolution, speed and sensitivity.
Initial shipments of the source are planned for the first quarter of 2009.
Dr Rob Fastenau, executive vice-president at FEI, said: 'For all users, the X-FEG increases throughput, improves resolution without adding complexity to the optical system, and eliminates cleaning and maintenance procedures required by cold field emitters.
'For those using spherical aberration correctors and/or monochromators, it provides additional gains in resolution, precision and sensitivity.
'In the most advanced uses, the X-FEG can be combined with experimental technologies, such as chromatic or spherical aberration correctors or low accelerating voltages, to explore the ultimate limits of S/TEM performance.' The X-FEG is a refinement of FEI's Schottky thermally-assisted field emission technology.
The company said its benefits include: high brightness and spatial coherence, which improve resolution and contrast in atomic-scale imaging and holography; high-beam current, which yields faster, more precise analytical results; smaller convergence angles, which improve the spatial resolution of the analysis; and beam current stability, which improves the accuracy and repeatability of lengthy procedures such as focus series image reconstruction, chemical (electron energy loss spectrometry and energy-filtered TEM) and elemental (X-ray) mapping, three-dimensional tomographic reconstruction and automated analysis.
It added that low-voltage performance and high spatial coherence improve contrast and reduce damage in fragile, dose-limited biological materials, and that the absence of tip cleaning (flashing) requirements and extended tip lifetimes (12 months) reduce cost of ownership in process control applications.
The X-FEG can be fitted to any Titan TEM.