Voxtel has announced the launch of its Siletz series of APD receivers, responding to the demand for eye-safe and sensitive optical communications Lidar and Ladar in the near-infrared spectrum.
The company claimed the Siletz APD receiver optical subassembly provides sensitivity of 2-4dBm over other APD receivers covering the 950-1,700nm spectral range, and operates at frequencies of up to 2.7GHz.
Voxtel's Siletz receiver series is based on the company's single-carrier multiplication Ingaas APD (SCM-APD).
The company claimed that the SCM-APD has higher gain (M > 50) and lower excess noise (F (M) ~2) than conventional APDs.
The higher gain and lower avalanche noise of the SCM-APD provides amplification of the near-infrared optical signal over the amplifier noise floor, providing better than - 44dBm noise-equivalent power (NEP) and good bit-error rate (BER) performance over the entire frequency range.
The SCM-APDs provide temperature stability, reducing demands on bias stabilisation and temperature compensation.
The REP-1XJ0A model Siletz receiver is packaged in a hermetic TO-8 package with a thermoelectric cooler (TEC).
The TEC provides the ability to stabilise the APD temperature, easing the system integration effort.
The APD receiver is available with the option for single- and multi-mode fibre tails.