Thermo Fisher Scientific's Exactive system is a high-resolution benchtop liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) tool.
It is designed for simple and complex screening in a range of applications, including petrochemical, drug discovery, clinical/toxicology, environmental and pharmaceutical.
The Exactive provides precise and reliable detection and identification of compounds in complex mixtures, at resolutions of up to 100,000.
It is also fast and maintains full compatibility with U-HPLC and fast chromatography.
The Exactive is a benchtop mass spectrometer based on Orbitrap technology, the recognised standard for accurate mass and high-resolution measurement.
The high resolving power, mass accuracy and dynamic range of Orbitrap technology allows rigorous characterisation of complex mixtures.
The Exactive mass spectrometry system makes advanced Orbitrap technology accessible to both non-expert users and experienced mass spectrometrists.