The Micromeritics Electroprep is capable of producing a constant supply of filtered electrolyte to enable particle analyses and can ensure that even recycled electrolyte is free of particles.
For electrolytes in which sample particles readily disperse - for example, alumina in saline water - without having to employ an additional dispersing agent, the waste liquid can simply be recirculated back through the Electroprep and used again and again.
In typical usage under these conditions, one preparation of electrolyte will last several months before the filter cartridge has to be replaced and this is also true of saturated electrolytes.
Using the Electroprep, it is also possible for a laboratory to produce its own electrolyte that is free of particles at significant savings.
The Electroprep recirculates electrolyte through a filter cartridge that retains particles greater than 0.1 - 0.2 micrometres in diameter.
The device can be utilised with aqueous or organic electrolytes by selecting the proper filter cartridge.
The electrolyte is housed in a 9-litre (2gal) container and circulates at a rate up to 0.5l/min.
The Electroprep produces a supply of clean electrolyte that ensures a low baseline when conducting particle analyses, while also saving a considerable amount on new electrolyte and waste handling.