AMSBIO’s 3D proliferation assays have been designed to make downstream applications of 3D cell culture easier.
The past few years have seen a boom in the number of papers published covering 3D cell culture, as researchers working in areas from cancer research to stem cells are increasingly seeing the benefits of this technique.
Cultrex Cell Proliferation Assays from AMSBIO were created in an effort to provide more physiologically relevant assessments when using cell models in the screening process for compounds that influence toxicity, cell survival, tumorigenicity, and new tumor formation.
These proprietary assays offer a flexible, standardised, high-throughput format for quantitating the degree to which pharmacological compounds influence toxicity or tumorigenicity in an in vivo-like environment.
The Cell Proliferation Assay methodology has been adapted to multiple formats so that cell proliferation may be evaluated against different extracellular matrices. The assay is available for 3D growth in Basement Membrane Extract (BME), Laminin I and Collagen I formats.