Myriad RBM has partnered with Bio-Rad to unveil a range of human, rat and canine toxicity panels.
Through a partnership with Myriad RBM, Bio-Rad has introduced its Bio-Plex Pro RBM human, rat, and canine kidney toxicity panels.
These multiplex immunoassays comprise a set of biomarkers that address the need for early detection and characterisation of kidney toxicity and injury during drug development.
The toxicity panels contain six of the seven markers approved by the FDA and EMEA for use in preclinical kidney toxicity assessment.
Included in these panels are several other markers relevant to kidney toxicity and damage research.
The Bio-Plex Pro RBM kidney toxicity panels are compatible with Bio-Plex MAGPIX instruments and Bio-Plex 100/200 and 3D instruments as well as all Luminex platforms and software.
To download the product brochure, please click on the link above.