Agilent has announced techniques for extending gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) methods into the parts-per-trillion range for a large number of pesticides
Using Agilent's GC/MS selected ion monitoring (SIM) and retention time locking (RTL) technology in combination with large-volume injection, researchers can reduce the detection limits to part-per-trillion.
Also, a 567-pesticide mass spectral library, applicable to both scan and selected ion monitoring data, speeds identification of the compounds.
For rapid screening purposes, users can create SIM methods directly from the information in the database.
For example, a SIM method for 80 target compounds can be created in less than two hours without running any samples.
For further information, request application note 'Identification and quantitation of pesticides in the parts-per-trillion range using retention time locking and GC/MS,' publication number 5988-4392EN.
This application note is available without charge from any Agilent sales office or Agilent's website.