Technique for optical sectioning of an image without the need for a scanning laser light source need to be developed into a marketable product
Oxford Sensor Technology (OST) has developed, and patented, a technique for the optical sectioning of an image, in a way similar to that achievable with a laser scanning confocal microscope.
Unlike a traditional confocal microscope however, this method avoids the need for the scanning laser beam light source and offers a very much improved light budget.
Potentially, the technique can offer a laser scanning confocal microscope performance at video frame rates but at a much reduced cost.
OST specialises in the design and development of vision sensors for industrial robot guidance.
The confocal design is not part of OST's core business activity, hence a partner is being sought to develop the unit into a fully functional, marketable product.
Suitable partners will require expertise in optical design and experience selling into medical and other key target markets.