Shimadzu Biotech launches new applications-driven web site to give life scientists access to a substantial searchable knowledge base
Shimadzu Biotech's newly launched website gives life scientists access to a substantial searchable knowledge base.
The applications driven website carries information on how the latest integrated techniques for life science and drug development can be used to accelerate the progress of their work.
Featuring a comprehensive range of application notes, product overviews, seminars, oral and poster presentations and papers, the extensive database has been grouped under application-focused sections enabling researchers to readily find information most relevant to them.
These sections include proteomics, genomics, small molecules, bio-molecules, sample preparation, electrophoresis and such fundamentals as Maldi-tof MS and MS/MS fragmentation.
A number of features make the site particularly easy to use; registered users can customise their homepage to ensure that the most relevant application notes and product information appears immediately.
In addition, there is a search function that allows instant access to the latest information on technology and regular technology updates via e-newsletters.
Details of the major life science and drug discovery events that Shimadzu Biotech is attending around the world are included, giving life scientists the opportunity to speak to an applications specialist face-to-face.
Shimadzu Biotech's product offering includes mass spectrometry integrated with enabling technology for high throughput analysis (Maldi, LC/MS, automated systems for analysing gels with mass spectrometry).
In addition, it offers specific solutions for DNA analysis, ranging from UV spectroscopy to chip-based electrophoresis, which includes exclusive global patents in gene analysis.