Silver membranes provide precise and quick preparation of clay samples, requiring a small sample size compared to other mounting techniques
Sterlitech silver metal membranes are used by clay mineralogists to identify and analyse clay samples from potential drilling sites.
The membranes provide a superior surface for the analysis of clay minerals using X-ray diffraction (XRD).
Silver membranes provide precise and quick preparation of clay samples, requiring a small sample size compared to other mounting techniques.
There is excellent transparency with the use of silver membranes in the analysis of clay minerals, due to the low level of background noise and distinct silver diffraction peaks.
These distinct peaks, at 38deg and 46deg, permit easy calculation of absorption correction, allowing for accurate quantitative analysis.
Additional benefits of the silver membrane include a high temperature tolerance (550C), a superb chemical resistance, good electrical conductivity, strength of the membrane, and ease in handling.
Silver metal membranes are available in micron ratings of 0.2, 0.45, 0.8, 1.2, 3.0, and 5.0 with standard diameters ranging from 13mm to 47mm.
Sterlitech is a manufacturer of inorganic membranes are designed under strict quality controls to deliver industry leading performance for projects that require absolute precision in measurement and results.