At an attractive entrance price, this OPO delivers tunable coherent radiation of several milliJoules over a wide spectral range
GWU-Lasertechnik develops and manufactures OPOs for scientific and industrial applications.
GWU introduced the first commercial BBO-OPO in 1989, thus claiming the broadest base of experience in these products.
The current product family comes in a broad range of configurations including an ultra-compact manually tuned instrument (Basiscan), a general purpose instrument (Versascan) with many options like manual or PC-based motorised tuning and a high-end model (Preciscan) that represents the ultimate in performance even in the edges of the tuning range.
These OPOs are now available in a variety of integrated packages (Integra series) together with Nd:YAG pump laser, harmonic generator for the OPO radiation and/or the pump laser radiation, wavemeter, and power controller.
The latest model in this series is Spitscan 200 which hosts a Basiscan OPO and a Spitlight 200 pump laser from the German laser specialist Innolas.
This system is a very compact unit for applications that require only manual wavelength control.
It comes at an attractive 'entrance' price and delivers tunable coherent radiation of several milliJoules over a wide spectral range.
The compact and rugged box is well suited for mobile applications.
The slim footprint of the optical unit measures only 925x180mm.
Thus it fits even in optical setups leaving only little space for the tunable light source.