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KNAUER and LABOMATIC to cooperate for market share
LABOMATIC Instruments AG and KNAUER Wissenschaftliche Geräte GmbH have announced a “strategic cooperation”.
Product Update

Analysis of cannabis oil using pyrolysis and GCMS
Performing successive thermal treatments with an Analytix CDS pyrolysis system, interfaced directly with GC/GCMS, can enables quantification of all constituents Cannabis Oil products, regardless of t…
Case Studies

Arsenic analysis
Metrohm’s 850 Professional IC coupled to an Agilent 7700x ICP-MS was chosen for a study into analysis of arsenic in prenatal and children’s dietary supplements.
Gas chromatographers "turning to hydrogen"
A growing number of laboratory analysts are now using ultra-high purity hydrogen when performing gas chromatography (GC), says Air Products.
Technical Article

The reliable purification of hydrogen
Peak Scientific gas chromatography specialist Ed Connor explains the performance of palladium diffusers for use in the reliable purification of hydrogen.