Cooling and refrigeration

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Product Update

New Brunswick range of freezers from Eppendorf

Ultra-low temperature freezers

The New Brunswick range of high efficiency freezers (HEFs) is offered in three lines to meet a variety of laboratory needs.

Case Studies

Testo medical refrigeration

Temperature monitoring in medical refrigerators

The testo Saveris automated data monitoring system measures, monitors and stores the temperatures in medical refrigerators.


Case study: Combating outages helps protect scientific institution’s research reputation

World-renowned biomedical research centre The Francis Crick Institute called in the electrical experts to ensure voltage sags – or ‘brownouts’ don’t cause vital experiments to fail with the loss of v…

Technical Article

Ice Crystals in Blood

Latest developments in the freeze drying of red blood cells using biomimetic apatites

A collaborative project between The University of Cambridge, the European Union ITN project SNAL and the independent research and consultancy division of the Biopharma group has used biomimetic calci…