Latest Product Update

Intravenous infusions are administered directly into the bloodstream

Prevent contamination of intravenous infusions using DLS

Added: 23 Mar 2017

An application report from Anton Paar details an experiment which shows how Dynamic Light Scatterin…

Beckman coulter application LS13 320

laser diffraction particle size analysers in studies of soil granulometry

Added: 23 Mar 2017

Beckman Coulter have produced an application note reporting on how soil scientists are using their …


Beckman Coulter expands CytoFLEX range

Added: 22 Mar 2017

Beckman Coulter Life Sciences has expanded the multi-parameter capabilities of its patented CytoFLE…

Honeywell Hydranal product line

Honeywell launches double-certified reference materials

Added: 22 Mar 2017

Honeywell Research Chemicals has launched its first series of Hydranal double-certified reference m…

QuantuMDx has invested in the Asynt range of non-ducted laboratory filtration and fume benchtop cabinets

Non-Ducted Cabinet Enables Infectious Disease Diagnostics

Added: 20 Mar 2017

Life sciences tools and diagnostics developer QuantuMDx has invested in the Asynt professional rang…

 AMETEK Brookfield CT3 Texture Analyser

Texture Analyser helps prevent problems on the fill line

Added: 20 Mar 2017

Ametek Brookfield's Texture Analyser is designed to help predict flow behaviour during the filling …

Uniqsis Flow-UV

Novel UV-Visible Detector for In-Line Flow Chemistry

Added: 17 Mar 2017

Uniqsis Ltd has introduced Flow-UV - an in-line UV-Visible spectrophotometric detector for flow che…

Alex 500 measures all parameters in all production steps

Reliably analysing craft beer

Added: 17 Mar 2017

Anton Paar's Alex 500 alcohol and extract meter for craft beer represents a reliable lab-grade anal…

Integra's new website formats automatically to different devices

INTEGRA Launches Device Responsive Website

Added: 17 Mar 2017

INTEGRA has launched a responsive website ensuring visitors automatically enjoy a perfectly formatt…

Porvair Ultravap Mistral

Versatile Automation Friendly Dry Down Station

Added: 17 Mar 2017

Porvair Sciences has introduced a new version of its Ultravap Mistral automatic dry down station - …

arsenic microwave digestion

Arsenic levels in rice evaluated using microwave digestion

Added: 17 Mar 2017

Evaluation of the levels of many dangerous compounds in foodstuffs, such as those containing arseni…

Responsive new website from Titan

Titan Launches Responsive Website

Added: 15 Mar 2017

Titan Enterprises has launched a responsive website which automatically ensures visitors enjoy a pe…

cecil ionquest

Ion chromatography from Cecil Instruments has many applications

Added: 15 Mar 2017

The IonQuest modular ion chromatography system is well suited to numerous applications within diver…

YSI 2900 and 2300

YSI’s 2900D Biochemistry Analyser as a reference standard for blood glucose monitoring systems

Added: 15 Mar 2017

A new report shows the equivalence of YSI’s 2300 STAT Plus Glucose and Lactate Analyser and their n…

Milk is a very complex liquid

Density Measurement of Milk and Dairy Products

Added: 13 Mar 2017

The suitability of the portable DMA 35 and DMA 500 density meters for quick quality checking raw mi…

The FLUOVIEW FV3000 and CX23 microscopes from Olympus

iF awards recognise Olympus’ smart microscope design

Added: 6 Mar 2017

The FLUOVIEW FV3000 and CX23 microscopes from Olympus have been recognised with the international i…

Philips Minicare I-20

Philips Minicare cTnI point-of-care blood test used in a rapid diagnosis protocol for the first time

Added: 6 Mar 2017

Philips is working with Elkerliek Hospital in Netherlands to pioneer the use of point-of-care testi…

protein therapeutics guide

Dynamic Imaging Particle Analysis for Protein Therapeutics Guide

Added: 3 Mar 2017

Meritics present a downloadable ebook produced by Fluid Imaging Technologies, Inc. entitled ‘The Ul…

Porvair's Seed Genomics microplate

‘Seed Busting’ Microplate from Porvair

Added: 26 Feb 2017

Porvair Sciences launched its Seed Genomics microplate to an enhusiastic audience at the Plant & An…

Titan Enterprises caters for OEM private label and bespoke customer applications.

Custom Flowmeters for OEM & Bespoke Applications

Added: 23 Feb 2017

Titan Enterprises is a leading developer of high quality flowmeters for a broad range of Original E…