Latest Technical Article

Accurate and reliable characterisation of micelles
Wyatt Technology | Added: 30 Nov 2006
Wyatt Technology Europe reports that its innovative Eclipse asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionat…

Zetasizer used for protein conformation studies
Malvern Instruments | Added: 13 Nov 2006
At the East Asian Biophysical Society meeting in Okinawa (12-16 November 2006) Kouhei Shiba, from S…

Cenosphere crush-strength distribution now reality
Quantachrome Instruments | Added: 20 Sep 2006
Quantachrome's PoreMaster high-pressure intrusion porosimeter has been successfully used for determ…

Bibliography references over 6000 papers
Micromeritics | Added: 7 Sep 2006
An extensive bibliography recently published to Micromeritics website serves as an indispensable to…

Malvern specialists lead workshop on IR imaging
Malvern Instruments | Added: 5 Sep 2006
Team of experts from Malvern Instruments will lead a half-day workshop on 'Infrared chemical imagin…

Successful prediction of H2 storage in carbons
Quantachrome Instruments | Added: 24 Feb 2006
US/Spanish collaboration has predicted quantitative hydrogen uptake at pressures up to 80 atmospher…

Measuring pore size in thin-film low-k dielectrics
Quantachrome Instruments | Added: 9 Feb 2006
Quantachrome Instruments announces a new method for determining pore size and pore volume distribut…

Quantachrome sponsors major materials symposium
Quantachrome Instruments | Added: 3 Feb 2006
Quantachrome Instruments is the exclusive industrial sponsor of the 4th international characterisat…

Oxford symposium spotlights ProteomeLab technology
Beckman Coulter Life Sciences | Added: 23 Nov 2005
The second annual European Symposium on Protein Fractionation and Biomarker Discovery featured pape…