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Malvern reviews chemical imaging developments
Malvern Instruments | Added: 13 Oct 2009
Experts from the Malvern Instruments team will review the maturation of chemical imaging at this ye…

Malvern white paper discusses rheology control
Malvern Instruments | Added: 31 Aug 2009
The latest addition to Malvern Instruments' Inform series of white papers is called '10 ways to con…

Zetasizer characterises surface modifications
Malvern Instruments | Added: 11 Jun 2009
Researchers using a Malvern system have discovered that the stability of functionalised nanoparticl…

Protocols for measuring sub-nanometre particles
Malvern Instruments | Added: 30 Mar 2009
Scientists working at Malvern Instruments have published experimental protocols for measuring hydro…

Malvern systems accelerate nasal spray testing
Malvern Instruments | Added: 19 Mar 2009
Malvern Instruments has illustrated how particle characterisation techniques of laser diffraction (…

Malvern particle size analysers support QbD
Malvern Instruments | Added: 12 Dec 2008
Manufacturers are using Process Analytical Technology (PAT) tools such as the Insitec online partic…

Malvern has critical data for nebuliser projects
Malvern Instruments | Added: 27 Oct 2008
Malvern has delivered data crucial to the development of pharmaceutical nebulisers, following exper…

Malvern joins analyser device industry group
Malvern Instruments | Added: 23 Oct 2008
Malvern Instruments has announced its participation in the OPC Analyser Device Integration Working …

Malvern to present NI-CI analytical strategies
Malvern Instruments | Added: 17 Sep 2008
Malvern Instruments is to present analytical strategies linking the chemical and physical propertie…

NanoSight makes tracks for nanoparticle analysis
Nanosight | Added: 14 Aug 2008
The analysis of nanoparticles is becoming increasingly important in a broad range of sectors includ…

Hydro and Malvern highlight on-site size analysis
Malvern Instruments | Added: 16 May 2008
Aluminium and aluminium products supplier Hydro (Norway) and materials characterisation company Mal…

Classification vital in particle imaging
Fluid Imaging Technologies | Added: 10 Apr 2008
New white paper reveals how pattern recognition techniques accurately identify different particle t…

Spraytec aids dry powder inhaler development
Malvern Instruments | Added: 9 Apr 2008
At 2008's Respiratory Drug Delivery conference, a poster from Malvern Instruments and David Morton …

Pattern recognition in particle identification
Fluid Imaging Technologies | Added: 16 Jan 2008
At Pittcon 2008, Lew Brown of Fluid Imaging Technologies will demonstrate the latest methods for ac…

Nanotoxicology is emerging area of nanoscience
Nanosight | Added: 16 Nov 2007
NanoSight reports growth in sales of the LM series of bench-top system for rapid and easy sizing an…

Spray analysis seminar was cooperative effort
Malvern Instruments | Added: 30 Oct 2007
One-day seminar by Malvern Instruments, Copley Scientific, and Melbourn Scientific presented delega…

Automated online second virial coefficient method
Wyatt Technology | Added: 22 Oct 2007
Wyatt Technology has developed a static light scattering (SLS) method for measuring the second viri…

Ultimate purification of the Rab11-FIP2 complex
Wyatt Technology | Added: 4 Apr 2007
Since Rab11 in solution is a monomer, the light scattering data suggest that FIP2 forms homodimers …

Work on aerosolisation presented at DDL 17
Malvern Instruments | Added: 22 Jan 2007
At the Drug Delivery to the Lungs conference Paul Kippax, product manager for diffraction systems a…

Zetasizer Nano assesses quality of protein samples
Malvern Instruments | Added: 19 Dec 2006
At a recent conference in Japan, Kouhei Shiba, from Sysmex, used zeta potential data generated with…