SP Scientific’s Benchtop Pro freeze dryers now include an Omnitronics controller as standard to enable application specific programming.
The Omnitronics controller is driven by an industrial-grade programmable logic controller (PLC), which provides extreme versatility while remaining intuitively easy to use. Its full colour touch screen enables users to configure set-up of a range of important parameters.
The controller’s main screen displays numeric condenser temperature and vacuum pressure values that change colour according to the current range. Self-testing functionality allows system performance and vacuum integrity to be evaluated. Data trending shows and records vacuum range, condenser temperature and ambient temperature through a series of coloured lines, along with the unit’s current status.
Benchtop Pro freeze dryers are compact research machines that encompass a range of lab processing requirements. Designed to be flexible, powerful and user-friendly, each system can be configured to meet present and future needs. Condenser refrigeration packages of -55°C, -85°C and -105°C can meet the demands of aqueous or aqueous-solvent based formulations.
Systems can be configured to cater for smaller sample numbers or to process a relatively heavy workload with condenser size choices of 3 litre, 8 litre or 9 lite. The built-in flexibility allows users to maximise the use of the freeze dryer without paying for unnecessary capacity or refrigeration.
For further information on the Benchtop Pro freeze dryer with Omnitronics controller please visit https://www.spscientific.com/VirTis_BTP_-_BenchTop_Pro_Freeze_Dryers/ or contact SP Scientific on +1-845-255-5000 (+44-1473-240000 in Europe).