The new Benz DIN Abrader (DIN 2200) features a digital speed adjustment and test timer for more detailed and accurate testing
With the Benz DIN 2200, an engineer, QC officer or lab technologist can test, for example, the abrasion resistance of a cured rubber compound at 10MPH, 20MPH and 30MPH.
The compound can be tested after 20 minutes, 60 minutes or whatever interval the tester wants for comparative studies.
It can also be tested at preset distances up to 40m.
With its precision speed control and encoder feedback, the Benz DIN Abrader delivers consistent results, insuring quality production, allowing supplier comparison and verifying advertised claims.
The Benz DIN 2200 is the only known DIN Abrader with a digital speed adjustment and digital distance adjustment with an accuracy of 0.1m.
Normally testing 16mm diameter samples, it uses standard pretreated sandpaper in a method that prevents the paper from becoming clogged with sample residue.
The amount of pressure applied to the compound can be adjusted in 5N increments, up to 20Newtons.
A sample of compound can be rotated as it moves across the Benz DIN Abrader drum, showing the effects of multidirectional abrasion.
Manufacturers of products like tires, hose or gaskets, for example, can get a multifaceted reading of the compound's abrasion-resistance before it is actually put to use.
The Benz DIN Abrader itself measures only 76cm long by 38cm deep and 38cm high and is constructed in steel and anodized aluminum with a Plexiglas cover, allowing its operation to be visible.
It replaces the Benz DIN 2100.
Power requirements are 100 to 220volts, 50/60Hz, single phase 5Amps.
The instrument conforms to ASTM D5963 (rubber property abrasion resistance rotary drum abrader), German Standard DIN 53516 (determining of abrasion resistance), and International Standards Organization ISO 4649 (determination of abrasion resistance using a rotation cylindrical drum device).