Anaspec has introduced two plasminogen activator assay kits - the SensolyteO AFC Urokinase (uPA) assay kit and the SensolyteO AMC tPA assay kit - optimised for inhibitor screening.
The kits contain fluorogenic substrates that exhibit high reactivity and low background signal.
The AFC (7-amino-4-trifluoromethylcoumarin)-labelled substrate in the SensolyteO AFC Urokinase (uPA) assay kit can be monitored at Ex/Em=380/500nm upon cleavage, with an increase in fluorescence correlated to uPA activity.
This substrate is not cleaved by tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA).
The AMC (7-amino-4-methylcoumarin)-labelled substrate in the SensolyteO AMC tPA assay kit can be monitored at Ex/Em=354/442nm.
Upon protease cleavage, this substrate generates the AMC fluorophore emitting bright blue fluorescence.
An increase in AMC fluorescence is proportional to tPA activity.