With its 3505, 3510 and 3520 bench pH meters, Jenway offers pH meters with a wide range of features for every application.
The versatile range makes Jenway pH meters suitable for educational purposes; quality control laboratories; good laboratory practice (GLP) applications; research and development laboratories and group usage.
The three models offer different degrees of sophistication but all provide reliable and accurate pH measurement, regardless of the user’s specific requirements.
The 3505 is mains or battery operated and has a design feature that ’locks’ the calibration controls during measurement to prevent inadvertent movement during pH sampling.
The 3510 provides simultaneous readout of pH and temperature and automatic or manual buffer selection, while the 3520 is additionally GLP compliant and has multiple language options.
Both the 3510 and 3520 models can be connected to a printer or PC - while the 3520 can use infrared communication. The 3520 will also print, store or output information via a built in data logger with a wide range of trigger options.
This makes the 3520 the ideal choice for monitoring and controlling pH levels. It also has a pH range of -2.000 to 20.000 and an accuracy of ±0.003.
By comparison the accuracy of the 3505 is ±0.02 with a pH range of -2.00 to 16.00, which is still suitable for most general and educational uses.
Other features offered on the three different models include large displays for group demonstrations, resolution to three decimal places and storage of up to 500 results.
Click on the live link to find out more about the range of Jenway pH meters.