New versions have a smaller beam diameter of 1mm, providing a direct replacement for gas lasers and enabling fast and simple swapping in the field
The diode laser systems iPulse and iBeam are now available with small beam diameter of 1mm (1/e2).
Mounting of telescopes between the laser and an AOM to avoid transmission losses are no longer necessary.
To replace gas lasers easily and thus avoid the well-known drawbacks (eg higher power consumption, larger space, bigger heat dissipation), a diode laser needs to match exactly both in wavelength, power, and beam diameter.
To meet all these requirements, Toptica says it designed new versions of iPulse and iBeam with a smaller beam diameter, providing a direct replacement for gas lasers and enabling fast and simple swapping in the field.
The following wavelengths are available: 375, 405, 440, 473, 640, 660 and 675nm.
Others are available on special request.
Moreover, the iPulse offers digital modulation up to 200MHz plus analogue modulation in the kHz range.
Further options are presently under development.
Typical applications are optical data storage, computer-to-plate printing, micro-lithography and fluorescence.