Cell screening
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Online water flea atlas provides lab researchers unprecedented levels of image capture for studying water fleas
The Daphnia Histology Reference Atlas (DaHRA) provides high resolution pictures of Daphnia with their internal anatomy colour coded to make different tissue identifiable from various angles.
Product Update

Isogenic Panels of Neuronal iPSC Derivatives
AMSBIO has launched a range of induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) derived neural stem cells (NSCs) and neural lineage progenitors.
Case Studies

Performing controlled gas liquid chemistries
Sygnature Discovery describes how the FlowSyn reactor allowed them to perform hazardous chemistries in a controlled manner.

Fighting Ebola first-hand
Armed with clinical diagnostics expertise and vital information on the treatment of exotic pathogens, UWE postgraduate Laura Holding discusses the spread of Ebola, and how her lab in Sierra Leone is …

Editor's comment | The gift of genetics
With Christmas fast approaching, what better gift is there than the £125 personal genetics kit from genetics firm 23andMe?