Stuart (A Bibby Scientific brand)
Bibby Scientific Limited
Beacon Road
Stuart, is one of Bibby Scientific?s internationally recognised brands and offers a broad range of benchtop science equipment including colony counters, block heaters, hotplates, blood tube rotators, stirrers, rockers and shakers, rotary evaporators and water baths.
Stuart are also market leaders in melting point apparatus and water stills, with the Aquatron and Merit ranges.
Almost all of Stuart?s products benefit from a three year warranty and Stuart exclusively offers BioCote across its entire range of benchtop science equipment. BioCote is a patented technology that uses active agent silver to provide long term effective microbial protection.
Rotary evaporator range now on video
A video from Stuart (A Bibby Scientific company) shows its range of rotary evaporators.
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