Carbon Filters Direct, provider of filters for ductless filtration cabinets and storage cabinets, announces the launch of a new e-commerce website for its comprehensive product range
The supply of filters has for many years been exclusively from manufacturers and service companies.
Carbon Filters Direct can now supply directly to the end user via the internet, enabling the company to offer its range at competitive prices.
CFD filters are available for recirculatory filtration fume cabinets, fume hoods, chemical storage cabinets and fume cabinets used in schools.
Our filters fit over 150 different cabinets and each filter type is available with five different carbon mixtures, optimised for the procedures undertaken within the specific safety cabinet.
Carbon Filter Direct manufactures compatible filters for recirculatory filtration systems from Astecair, Bigneat (Chemcap), Cruma, Erlab (Captair), Gelair, Labcaire, Misonix, and Safelab.