The Whatman Ethidium Bromide Extractor is an easy and effective system for waste reduction
Ethidium bromide (EtBr) is commonly used in molecular biolology laboratories as a non-radioactive marker for identifying and visualising nucleic acid bands in electrophoresis and in other methods of nucleic acid separation.
The Extractor System is a one-step filtration funnel device for the rapid removal of ethidium bromide from gel-staining solutions.
The system consists of an activated carbon matrix that removes more than 99 percent of EtBr from electrophoretic buffer quickly and easily.
Each device can decontaminate up to 10 litres of gel-staining solution.
After filtration, the decontaminated solution can be safely poured down the laboratory drain.
Whatman has also announced that the new Whatman Catalogue, which features 3000 products, has been published.
In addition to information on individual products, the catalogue contains valuable application examples and tips for users.
This new publication allows researchers to quickly and easily search for appropriate products in three ways: by industry application, by product type or by product number.
The clearly structured reference work provides 422 pages of comprehensive information on 3000 products from the fields of LabSciences and BioSciences.
The product catalogue includes filter papers, membranes, multiwell plates, solutions for chromatography and microbiology, nucleic acid purification kits as well as blotting membranes and protein microarrays.
The catalogue is available in English, German, French, Spanish and Italian.