The latest addition to the range is a bench top supercritical fluid extractor.
The SFT-110XW is a completely redesigned restrictor valve with integrated micrometer to allows for precise flow control.
Suited for research and process development applications, the model includes control of temperature, pressure, and flow rate using dual sapphire syringe pump technology and integrated pre-heaters.
Product features:
- Completely removable oven lid and large side panel to allow easy access to the high pressure vessel.
- An indicator light on the SFT-10 pump module alerts the user to proper operation of the Peltier pre-cooler, ensuring CO2 is maintained in the liquid state.
- A robust outlet from the restrictor ensures that users will not accidently damage the outlet tube when inserting it into the collection container.
- Extraction vessels up to 500 ml, single or dual configurations.