Users can now dramatically change high resolution GC/MS information with mass accuracy and resolution.
The Pegasus GC-HRT is available with both electron ionisation (EI) and HR-CI sources, providing the option of comparison with classic NIST spectra (EI), and preservation of the molecular ion (HR-CI).
Together, the CI source and the Pegasus GC-HRT provide a complete package for high-throughput/high-information content analysis, with resolution up to 50,000 FWHM, mass accuracies less than 1 ppm, and acquisition rates up to 200 spectra/second.
Features overview:
- KADAS (Kinetic Algorithmic Data Acquisition System) used to provide high-value, high-integrity output
- Three modes of operation (Nominal, High Resolution, and Ultra-High Resolution)
- ChromaTOF-HRT software utilises True Signal Deconvolution for accurate peak identification