Bioo Scientific has launched the NEXTflex cell-free DNA-Seq kit optimised for ctDNA and cfDNA library preparation.
The NEXTflex Cell-Free DNA-Seq Kit for Illumina Library Preparation is optimised for library construction from low input amounts of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) or cell free fetal DNA (cffDNA).
Bioo Scientific claims it is the first kit optimised specifically for library construction from DNA isolated from cell free fluids.
The kit can be used to construct Illumina-compatible libraries from 1 ng of DNA in two hours or fewer.
It delivers high coverage and reduced bias, along with flexible multiplexing options.
NEXTflex Cell-Free DNA-Seq Kit also features Enhanced Adapter Ligation Technology, offering improved ligation efficiency and resulting in library preps with a larger number of unique sequencing reads.
Bioo Scientific offers flexible multiplexing options compatible with the NEXTflex Cell-Free DNA-Seq Kit.
The kit is designed to be used with the NEXTflex DNA barcodes, which are available in sets of 6, 12, 24, 48, and 96 unique indexed adapters.
NEXTflex Dual-Indexed DNA barcodes can be used to multiplex up to 192 samples. Protocols are available for automation on the SEQBOT NGS Library Prep Automation Platform and the Beckman Biomek Laboratory Automation Workstations.