Latest Product Update

Dolomite and Drop-Tech have collaborated to produce the Mitos Dropix

Fledging company calls in Dolomite expertise

Dolomite Microfluidics | Added: 29 May 2013

Dolomite has been working with spin-out company Drop-Tech to produce a new droplet-on-demand sample…

Lab Innovations 2013 will feature a brand new UKAS Pavilion

UKAS Pavilion to feature at Lab Innovations

easyFairs | Added: 29 May 2013

Lab Innovations 2013 will feature a new UKAS Pavilion for the event at Birmingham’s NEC on 6 and 7 …

SIMS workstation

Hiden expands secondary ion mass spectrometry range

Hiden Analytical | Added: 29 May 2013

Hiden Analytical has expanded its primary system SIMS range to offer three initial equipment levels.

Optical surfaces application manual

Practical guide for optics users

Optical Surfaces | Added: 29 May 2013

Optical Surfaces (OS) has published a 12-page guide designed to enable scientists and engineers to …

Amsbio synthetic mRNA

Modified mRNA synthesis from Amsbio

Amsbio | Added: 28 May 2013

The process is designed to take synthetic DNA, and via chemical synthesis, mRNA is produced from a …

PolyScience testing bath

Food stability testing bath from PolyScience

PolyScience | Added: 24 May 2013

The forced-age testing circulating bath is designed for accelerated beer and beverage shelf life te…

Easy to use imaging and analysis with cellSens 1.8

cellSens offers enhanced imaging and analysis

OLYMPUS EUROPA SE & CO. KG | Added: 24 May 2013

Olympus has enhancesd its core cellSens imaging and analysis software with the release of version 1…

Carl Zeiss Microscopy, LLC, announces a series of workshops on its SEM products.

Training workshops from Carl Zeiss Microscopy

Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH | Added: 24 May 2013

Carl Zeiss Microscopy has launched workshops on its scanning electron microscope (SEM) products.

Alizarin Red staining of human bone marrow

Stem cell progress from EMD Millipore

Merck | Added: 24 May 2013

The OsteoMAX-XF claims to be the first fully defined, xeno-free human mesenchymal stem cell differe…

Porvair MicroSeal

Manual thermal plate sealer

Porvair Sciences | Added: 23 May 2013

The MicroSeal from Porvair Sciences is a microplate heat sealer designed to create a chemically res…

Affinity filters and supports

Porex introduces affinity filters and supports

Porex | Added: 23 May 2013

The range of porous materials enhances functionality through surface modification or sorbent additi…

CMA Microdialysis announces its NEW CMA 4004 Syringe Pump

Syringe pump for microdialysis applications

Harvard Apparatus | Added: 23 May 2013

The CMA microdialysis 4004 syringe pump delivers flow rates from 0.54 pl/min to 11.70 ml/min.

Agilent mapping columns

Mapping columns enable robust analysis

Agilent Technologies | Added: 23 May 2013

The AdvanceBio Peptide Mapping Columns perform separation, characterisation and analysis of protein…

Genevac Rocket 4D

Automated rocket 4D drying system from Genevac

Genevac Ltd | Added: 22 May 2013

The automated system is designed for drying or concentration of large volumes with no user interact…

Ben Goldacre - SW13 keynote speaker

Speakers announced for Science World 2013

Fisher Scientific UK | Added: 22 May 2013

This year’s event, hosted by Fisher Scientific, will include keynote speakers Ben Goldacre and Marc…

UCT forensic pouch

Phosphate and acetate buffer pouches

Presearch T/A Aquilant Scientific | Added: 22 May 2013

The pouches prepare reagents at the correct pH and concentration for solid phase extraction methods.

The centrifuge adaptor loaded on a rotor.

StemXtract provides effective separation of cord blood

MSE (UK) | Added: 22 May 2013

MSE has launched an adaptor designed to deal with varying volumes in umbilical cord stemcell extrac…

MDA-MB-231 spheroids after 7 days  in culture. Increasing cell seeding density results in increased

Tumour response modelling from Cultrex

Trevigen | Added: 22 May 2013

Cultrex has launched the 3-D Spheroid Proliferation/Viability Assay for modeling tumor response in …

Huber Petite Fleur

Thermoregulation control systems from Huber

Huber | Added: 21 May 2013

Huber has introduced the environmentally-friendly Ministat, Minichiller and Petite Fleur platforms.


Hoefer introduces electrophoresis power supply

Hoefer | Added: 21 May 2013

The PS600 power supply is designed for electrophoresis and various blotting techniques.