Latest Product Update

BLMA conference

BLMA announces conference for laboratory managers

Gambica | Added: 10 May 2013

The BLMA conference is designed to help laboratory managers to improve their skills and expertise.


Nano particle size and zeta potential analyser

Micromeritics | Added: 9 May 2013

The NanoPlus DLS uses photon correlation spectroscopy and electrophoretic light scattering.

The SpectraMax i3 microplate

Molecular Devices to exhibit at LaboTec Suisse

Molecular Devices (UK) | Added: 9 May 2013

Molecular Devices will showcase its SpectraMax i3 multi-mode microplate reader and AquaMax Washer.

Carbon cycle

Analysis of organic and inorganic carbon levels

Exeter Analytical | Added: 9 May 2013

The Model 440 CHN elemental analyser determines carbon levels at different parts of the cycle.


Combinational flow chemistry from Uniqsis

Uniqsis Ltd | Added: 9 May 2013

The FlowSyn Auto-LF loop filling module performs combinatorial flow chemistry experiments.

Moisture seminar

Seminars detail best practice in moisture analysis

Mettler Toledo | Added: 9 May 2013

Mettler Toledo and Sigma-Aldrich are offering seminars on advances in moisture analysis.

Medline Scientific launches a range of muffle furnaces

Medline Scientific introduces muffle furnaces

Medline Scientific | Added: 7 May 2013

The latest range of 1200ºc muffle furnaces provide rapid and uniform heating from a bench top unit.

Amsbio aptamer

Aptamer kits provide consistent protein precipitation

Amsbio | Added: 7 May 2013

Amsbio’s Aptamer protein precipitation kits bind with improved high specificity and affinity to tar…

Biotix tip eject

Robust pipette tip reload system from Biotix

Biotix | Added: 7 May 2013

Tip Eject is a pipette reload system for use with Biotix tip racks without the need for transfer de…

AB Sciex

Enhanced Eksigent software for micro LC technology

AB Sciex | Added: 2 May 2013

The 21CFR part 11 module for software control claims to accelerate adoption of micro LC technology.

Voxtel's 64-channel TDC

Event-timing solution for medical imaging

Voxtel, Inc | Added: 2 May 2013

Voxtel has unveiled its TDC event-timing solution for medical imaging, particle and nuclear physics.

YSI 2900

YSI 2900 series to showcase at Forum Labo

YSI Life Sciences (UK) | Added: 2 May 2013

The YSI 2900 biochemistry analyser boasts anti-clogging, integrated auto sampler and flexible conne…

The ddPCR library quantification kit from Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.

ddPCR library quantification kit for TruSeq libraries

Bio-Rad Laboratories | Added: 2 May 2013

Bio-Rad has launched the ddPCR library quantification kit for Illumina TruSeq sample preparation pr…

The Hiden HPR-60 Mass Spectrometer

Analysis of ions, radicals and neutral species

Hiden Analytical | Added: 2 May 2013

Hiden has released the HPR-60 mass spectrometer for ambient reactive ion monitoring.

SFT launches Phase Monitor II

Observing materials in supercritical and high-pressure fluids

Supercritical Fluid Technologies | Added: 2 May 2013

The Phase Monitor II has been designed for observation of materials in supercritical and high-press…

Metals Imaged on FlowCAM Imaging Particle Analysis System

FlowCAM detects particles in rinse water

Fluid Imaging Technologies | Added: 2 May 2013

The FlowCAM-ES automatically detects, images, counts and measures metal particles in rinse water.


Thermal and magnetic transfer efficiency systems

Asynt | Added: 1 May 2013

Asynt has unveiled the latest version of its DrySyn Maxi and Super Maxi heat blocking system.

Ensemble LAB control platform from Aerotech

Automation from Aerotech Ensemble LAB

Aerotech | Added: 1 May 2013

Aerotech claims its Ensemble LAB control platform is able to improve automation within the laborato…

Signatrol adds a dual temperature transmitter to the SpYdaq monitoring system.

Wireless dual temperature transmitter

Signatrol Ltd | Added: 1 May 2013

Signatrol has added a dual temperature transmitter to its wireless SpYdaq monitoring system.