Latest Product Update

Almsco's BenchTOF

Time-of-flight mass spectrometry at Pittcon 2013

Almsco International | Added: 22 Jan 2013

Almsco will be exhibiting its latest range of products for trace-level organic chemical analysis.

Multi N/C series

Direct and indirect TOC determination from solids

Analytik Jena | Added: 22 Jan 2013

The Multi N/C series can be configured for the fully automatic direct determination of bound carbon.

Eppendorf has new rotors for its Centrifuges 5804/5804 R and 5810/5810 R .

Rotors increase capacity for centrifuges

Eppendorf UK | Added: 22 Jan 2013

Eppendorf has introduced four new rotors for its Centrifuges 5804/5804 R and 5810/5810 R.

ImagePotato Starch Imaged with Birefringence FlowCAM

FlowCAM advance detects birefringence

Fluid Imaging Technologies | Added: 21 Jan 2013

Fluid Imaging Technologies has patented a new system capable of imaging birefringent particles.


Microplate platform added to SpectraMax line

Molecular Devices (UK) | Added: 21 Jan 2013

Molecular Devices has developed a novel platform combining a plate reader with an imaging cytometer.


Nanofabrication in the sub-10 nanometer scale

Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH | Added: 21 Jan 2013

Carl Zeiss has introduced the first multi-ion-beam tool based on Gas Field Ion Source (GFIS) techno…


Fritsch offers universal tool for fine grinding

Fritsch | Added: 18 Jan 2013

The Fritsch PULVERISETTE 2 makes use of gentle grinding by friction with almost no thermal load.


Microfluidic interfaces offer high density connection

Dolomite Microfluidics | Added: 18 Jan 2013

The new Multiflux-2 range from Dolomite offers improved alignment for multiway fluidic connections.


Core-shell media delivers improved UHPLC performance

Phenomenex | Added: 18 Jan 2013

The Phenomenex 1.3-micron Kinetex core-shell media claims to offer superior UHPLC performance.


Mass spectrometer for reactive process monitoring

Hiden Analytical | Added: 18 Jan 2013

The Hiden HPR-60 MS is a research tool for direct analysis of ions, radicals and neutral species in…


Super HDR for fast acquisition of high quality images

OLYMPUS EUROPA SE & CO. KG | Added: 16 Jan 2013

Olympus has improved the image quality and ergonomics of its DSX industrial opto-digital microscope…


Partnership to develop transient expression platform

TAP Biosystems | Added: 16 Jan 2013

TAP Biosystems collaborates with Life Technologies to offer automated protein expression.


Future-proof microplate storage and movement

Thermo Fisher Scientific | Added: 16 Jan 2013

Thermo Fisher Scientific has introduced a benchtop robot for configurable laboratory automation.


Pump provides three independent channels

Michael Smith Engineers | Added: 16 Jan 2013

A new design of peristaltic pump allows independent flow control of three separate channels.


Bio-Rad to host KnowItAll user group meeting at Pittcon

Bio-Rad Informatics Division | Added: 15 Jan 2013

Bio-Rad Laboratories will host its KnowItAll user group meeting in conjunction with Pittcon.


Asia pump takes advantage of positive input pressure

Syrris | Added: 15 Jan 2013

Asia Syringe pump provides a flow range from 1 µl/min to 10 ml/min at pressures of between 0 to 20 …


Circulator features temperature range of 10°C to 135°C

PolyScience | Added: 15 Jan 2013

The MX Immersion Circulator is designed to provide versatile temperature control for laboratory app…


Incubation solution for cell-based research

Thermo Fisher Scientific | Added: 15 Jan 2013

Cytomat 10 is designed to be the fastest automated incubator with a proven thermal decontamination …


Nanoject performs delicate nanolitre injections

Alpha Laboratories | Added: 14 Jan 2013

The Nanoject II Auto-Injector is specifically designed to perform ultra-delicate nanolitre injectio…


Software improves miniaturised assay preparation

Labcyte | Added: 14 Jan 2013

A collaboration between Labcyte and Titian has developed an improved system for miniturised assay d…