Topos Technologies has released version 5.0 of its Labspeed data management software.
Version 5.0 adds comprehensive data checking and pass/fail status reporting required in analytical testing laboratories and production environments for ensuring product quality and meeting product specifications.
Laboratories can now automate data integrity checks, which improves accuracy of results and increases staff productivity.
Labspeed 5.0 allows the analyst to create custom limit check, quality check, print limit and other custom look-up data tables.
Upper and lower limit values specified in these tables can then be referenced by all other Labspeed standard views, including drilldown grids, tables, charts and reports.
Data can be colour-coded on screen as failed, passed or not checked, and data can be flagged for printing and exporting.
Pass/fail status can be added to reports and tables, while high and low limit lines can be displayed in trend charts.
Limit checks can be applied to any numeric data field available in the instrument data and multiple checks can be performed at the same time.
Limit and quality checking is used in EPA testing labs, metals and alloy foundries, oil analysis labs and many other production or laboratory testing environments that require automatic data monitoring to ensure product quality and to meet product specifications.