SAXS has designed a workshop to introduce people to the capabilities of its new technology, including multi-variate measurement techniques derived from synchrotron radiation.
The aim of this workshop is to introduce newcomers and experienced practitioners into the new possibilities of SAXS.
Topics addressed will include: SAXS-microcalorimetry integration; S3-Microcalix Gas sorption isotherms in meso-and microporous systems: fast x-ray methods; Microfluidics Thin-film studies / GISAXS; Applications in food and drug research and technology, biophysics and nanomaterial; and RandD possibilities for quality control and process analytical technology (PAT).
List of speakers will include: P Laggner, Hecus XRS and IBN Graz, AT; H Amenitsch, Elettra Trieste, IT G Pabst, IBN Graz, AT; M Monduzzi, University of Cagliari, IT; M Petoukhov, EMBL Hamburg, DE; A Saiani, University of Manchester, UK; A Hodzic, Research Centre Pharmaceutical Engineering, AT; with more to be confirmed.
Poster contributions from participants, with a maximum of 20, are encouraged.