The biomedical engineering and materials science department of North Carolina State University recommends Malvern Zetasizer Nano for teaching and research
Part of the Malvern Instruments materials characterisation portfolio, the Zetasizer Nano light scattering system is ideal for educating newcomers in the science of particle characterisation.
"My students have always had great things to say about the Zetasizer Nano," said Dr Ivanisevic.
"I will be using the two new instruments with my junior level class in biomedical engineering and materials science.
"These students will be using the Zetasizer Nano systems to try to figure out which type of colloid is most useful to put onto surfaces for antimicrobial properties.
"The Zetasizer Nano allows us to get quantitative information on the diameter of particles we're going to utilise for subsequent experiments.
"We also use it to evaluate the properties of particles following functionalisation or changes in the biological medium surrounding them," Dr Ivanisevic explained.
Some of the nanoparticles produced in Albena Ivanisevic's laboratory go on to be used in the construction of interconnective nanowires on semi-conductor surfaces.
Her team has also successfully published work covering the use of gold and iron oxide particles to make new constructs with DNA for improved magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).