Latest Product Update

News of the latest test from Randox Food Diagnostics will be welcomed by poultry and egg processors

Comprehensive test for Coccidiostats

Randox Laboratories | Added: 23 Sep 2013

Randox Food Diagnostics has brought the first multi-analyte screening test for Coccidiostats to the…

The ATC sensors are suitable for a variety of temperature sensing applications

ATC boiler temperature sensors

ATC Semitec | Added: 23 Sep 2013

ATC Semitec has added a series of temperature sensors for gas boilers and electric heating applianc…

Flowmeter for applications requiring a high degree of cleanliness

Flowmeter for clean applications

Titan Enterprises | Added: 23 Sep 2013

The Atrato ultrasonic flow meter from Titan Enterprises claims to set a new standard for flow monit…

Beckman Coulter reagent kits

PerFix reagent kits from Beckman Coulter

Beckman Coulter Life Sciences | Added: 20 Sep 2013

PerFix-Expose and PerFix-nc reagent kits for intracellular staining minimise sample manipulation fo…

Flir GF346 imaging system

Carbon monoxide detection imaging

Flir Systems | Added: 20 Sep 2013

The FLIR GF346 optical gas imaging camera has been designed to detect and visualise escaping carbon…

The Metrohm Academy will be hosting the 1st Global User Meeting Ion Chromatography in Switzerland.

First Metrohm user meeting

Metrohm | Added: 20 Sep 2013

The Metrohm Academy will be hosting the 1st Global User Meeting Ion Chromatography in Switzerland n…

Multi-touch controller

Simplified temperature control

Labtex | Added: 19 Sep 2013

Huber has introduced the Pilot ONE multi-touch controller which is designed to give the user touch …


Efficient DNA and siRNA transfection

Alpha Laboratories | Added: 19 Sep 2013

The ScreenFect A from Alpha Laboratories combines high transfection efficiency with low cell toxici…

Portable gel documentation system

Portable gel documentation system

Cleaver Scientific | Added: 19 Sep 2013

The latest compact, portable gel documentation system from Cleaver Scientific is designed to enable…

Olympus multiphoton system

Deep-imaging multiphoton system

OLYMPUS EUROPA SE & CO. KG | Added: 19 Sep 2013

The Olympus FluoView FVMPE-RS is designed for high-precision imaging enabling ultra-fast scanning a…

Professor Andrea Sella

Science showman to speak at Lab Innovations 2013

Added: 18 Sep 2013

Professor Andrea Sella will deliver a keynote address at Lab Innovations 2013 and will also be taki…

Biospargers with arm

Sintered porous metal products

Mott Corporation | Added: 17 Sep 2013

Mott Corporation will be displaying all-metal spargers and filter designs at the ISPE Annual Produc…

Randox claims that its new controls are the most comprehensive on the world market to date

Supermix controls streamline lab QC

Randox Laboratories | Added: 17 Sep 2013

Randox has launched two liquid assayed chemistry controls which it believes will revolutionise Qual…

Exeter Analytical's Model 440 Elemental Analyser is designed to provide a fast and precise analytica

Fast and precise biomass analysis

Exeter Analytical | Added: 17 Sep 2013

Exeter Analytical’s Model 440 Elemental Analyser is designed to provide a fast and precise analytic…

Anton Paar seminar

Quality control technical seminar

Anton Paar Ltd | Added: 17 Sep 2013

Anton Paar will host a technical seminar on quality control for beverage producers at their site in…

DNA testing is offered  by Romer Labs to assure product authenticity

Test for horsemeat DNA at Lab Innovations 2013

Added: 16 Sep 2013

A DNA electrophoresis to test for food production problems is one of the innovations which will be …

Asylum Reseach AFM updates

Asylum updates Cypher and MFP-3D ranges

Asylum Research | Added: 16 Sep 2013

Asylum Research has announced the contact resonance viscoelastic mapping mode (CRVMM) option availa…

Lord professor Robert Winston

Lord Winston to speak at Lab Innovations 2013

Added: 16 Sep 2013

Lord Professor Robert Winston will deliver a keynote address at Lab Innovations 2013, which takes p…

Parallel synthesis products

Parallel synthesis products

Asynt | Added: 13 Sep 2013

Asynt has designed its range of products for parallel synthesis to share standard parts for reactio…

The new Genevac heat transfer plate design has a central flexible pad that deforms and moulds itself

Faster drying of deep well microplates

Genevac Ltd | Added: 12 Sep 2013

The latest generation of heat transfer plates for centrifugal evaporators enable almost any deep we…