Latest Product Update


Analysis of fluoroquinolone in milk and meat

Bioo Scientific | Added: 12 Oct 2012

The AuroFlow Fluoroquinolone Strip Test Kit is a rapid screening tool for the meat and dairy indust…


Launch of 2 million frames/second digital video camera

Specialised Imaging | Added: 12 Oct 2012

Kirana combines the flexibility of video with the resolution of an ultra high-speed framing camera.


Flow testers provide advanced quality control

Instron | Added: 12 Oct 2012

The latest modular Instron CEAST Melt Flow Testers perform measurements according to ISO 1133-2.


MetaMorph NX2.5 includes neuronal morphology

Molecular Devices (UK) | Added: 10 Oct 2012

Targeted illumination support and fiber structure module has now added to imaging software range.


Reagents enable targeted siRNA delivery

Bioo Scientific | Added: 10 Oct 2012

huLeukoAim and muLeukoAim transduction reagents offer targeted delivery into leukocytes.


SciFLEXARRAYER dispensers for Maverick detection

Scienion | Added: 10 Oct 2012

Genalyte custom spotting service will enable Maverick customers to obtain ready-to-use arrays.


Remote access available for LIMS monitoring

Autoscribe Informatics | Added: 8 Oct 2012

The Matrix Gemini Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) can now be accessed remotely.


Instrument offers better analysis for difficult samples

Spectro | Added: 8 Oct 2012

The latest SPECTROMAXx boasts improved user management and performance.


Software improves identification of contaminants

AB Sciex | Added: 5 Oct 2012

LibraryView software application enables faster identification of contaminants in samples. 


FV1200 enhances imaging of living specimens

OLYMPUS EUROPA SE & CO. KG | Added: 5 Oct 2012

The FluoView FV1200 claims to provide sensitive live cell imaging capabilities using less laser pow…


Malvern launches Morphologi G3-ID in global markets

Malvern Instruments | Added: 5 Oct 2012

Morphologi G3-ID measures particle size, particle shape and chemical identity in one platform.


Filter offers faster processing of cell culture media

Parker Domnick Hunter | Added: 5 Oct 2012

A mycoplasma retentive filter for cell culture media has been launched by Parker Domnick Hunter.


Additional features on HT7700 120kV

Hitachi High Technologies | Added: 5 Oct 2012

The HT7700 now comes with an objective lens option making it the most powerful 120 kV TEM available.


YSI unveils its 2950 biochemistry analyser

YSI Life Sciences (UK) | Added: 4 Oct 2012

The 2950 biochemistry analyser can measure up to six chemistries and provides results in under a mi…


Versatile high-throughput surface characterisation

Micromeritics | Added: 4 Oct 2012

3Flex is a three-station instrument capable of high-throughput surface area, mesopore, and micropor…


Edwards to demonstrate systems at Vacuum Expo

Edwards Vacuum | Added: 4 Oct 2012

Edwards will be showcasing its vacuum technologies at Booth V23, Vacuum Expo from 17 – 18th October…


E. coli cells exhibit high electroporation efficiencies

Amsbio | Added: 3 Oct 2012

CloneCatcher Gold cells exhibit electroporation efficiencies that approach the theoretical maximum.


Western blotting substrate eliminates guesswork

Bio-Rad Laboratories | Added: 3 Oct 2012

Clarity western ECL substrate has been designed to offer researchers nearly universal application.


5-micron particle added to Kinetex range

Phenomenex | Added: 3 Oct 2012

The larger particle size is hoped to deliver improved performance for HPLC and preparative LC.


Thermal test enclosures deliver accurate data

SP Scientific | Added: 3 Oct 2012

Thermal test enclosure range claims to provide accurate testing of temperature sensitive electronic…