Latest Product Update

Kit for chromatin immunoprecipitation assays

Porvair Filtration Group | Added: 3 May 2011

Porvair Filtration Group has announced the launch of the first product, a ChIP kit containing 24 as…

Design suite for oligonucleotide characterisation

Integrated DNA Technologies | Added: 3 May 2011

Integrated DNA Technologies (IDT) is launching Scitools, a free oligo design and analysis suite for…

Mini centrifuge eliminates need to change rotors

Cleaver Scientific | Added: 3 May 2011

A mini centrifuge that eliminates the need to change rotors when switching between microtubes and P…

Chemistry analyser for small and mobile labs

Microfluidica | Added: 3 May 2011

The Mobichem Automated Chemistry Analyzer from Microfluidica is designed for small and mobile envir…

Feeder cells for mouse and human stem-cell culture

Amsbio | Added: 3 May 2011

Amsbio is a supplier of Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts (MEFs) and Newborn Human Foreskin Fibroblasts (…

Masterflex pumps provide precision liquid filling

Thermo Fisher Scientific - Fluid Handling | Added: 3 May 2011

According to a new application note, Thermo Scientific Masterflex pumps provide precise, seamless l…

Peristaltic pumps for medical device manufacturers

Thermo Fisher Scientific - Fluid Handling | Added: 3 May 2011

A new application note from Thermo Fisher Scientific, targeted at medical device manufacturers, foc…

Pumps ensure precise pharmaceutical production

Thermo Fisher Scientific - Fluid Handling | Added: 3 May 2011

A new application note explains how Thermo Scientific Masterflex pumps ensure precise, repeatable a…

Plant growth chamber benefits from LED lighting

Weiss Technik UK Ltd | Added: 28 Apr 2011

The new LED Plant Growth Chamber from Weiss Gallenkamp is claimed to create ideal conditions for pl…

Extraction fume hood offers improved safety

Camlab | Added: 28 Apr 2011

Now available from Camlab, the energy-saving Green Fume Hood from Erlab is claimed to offer all the…

Double-quenched probe increases qPCR sensitivity

Integrated DNA Technologies | Added: 28 Apr 2011

Integrated DNA Technologies (IDT) has introduced its double-quenched probe, to increase the accurac…

Tool measures parameters for condition monitoring

Analysco | Added: 28 Apr 2011

The SpectroLNF Q200 measures three of the most important parameters in condition monitoring of lubr…

Cryogenic freezers for biological material storage

Thermo Fisher Scientific | Added: 28 Apr 2011

Thermo Fisher's cryogenic freezers operate at uniform and stable cryogenic temperatures of -140 and…

Product guide enhances chemistry productivity

Radleys | Added: 28 Apr 2011

Radleys has announced the publication of Volume 6 of its international product guide - 'improving t…

OPSL suits life science applications

Coherent | Added: 27 Apr 2011

Coherent has introduced a solid-state optically pumped semiconductor laser (OPSL) with output at 55…

Compact laser diodes suit use in mobile devices

ProPhotonix Laser Solutions | Added: 27 Apr 2011

Prophotonix now distributes two new high-power laser diodes from Opnext: a violet one, for use in m…

Sphere detectors optimise measurement of light

Newport | Added: 27 Apr 2011

Newport has enhanced its calibrated integrating sphere detectors, which are designed to measure the…

LCMS system designed for mass-based purification

Gilson UK | Added: 27 Apr 2011

Gilson has introduced the LCMS purification system, which is designed to combine the latest mass sp…

HIT test helps select anticoagulation strategy

JRBiomedical Ltd | Added: 27 Apr 2011

JRBiomedical has released Milenia Quickline HIT, a qualitative test for the detection of IgG antibo…

Lab event discusses latest scientific developments

Thermo Fisher Scientific (UK) | Added: 27 Apr 2011

Thermo Fisher Scientific has announced a free summer symposium presenting the latest developments i…