For the same low price, customer will be able to run two samples with one kit for a complete set of 22Vb CDR3 regions analysis
Wisbiomed says that new packages of TCRExpress kits are available.
The new package doubled the amount of reagents, PCR plates, analysis controls.
T Cell Receptors are critical cellular components for immune responses.
Monitor and determine TCR clonality before and after vaccination, immune challenges are very important for understanding the responses of cellular immunology to given antigens.
The conventional methods include deploying multiple sets of PCRs for each TCR Vb, utilising complicated instrumentations, such as capillary electrophoresis.
TCRExpress kits use preloaded reagents, established protocols for less than one million cells.
Scientists can perform TCR clonality assay within one day using conventional molecular biology apparatus.
"TCRExpress kits are very simple to use".
"We are very happy about the performances" said Dr Cao at University of Florida.
"We effectively lowered the price by 50% by doubling the amount of reagents in each kit" said Dr Kou of BIT.
Customer can now run paired samples with one kit.
TCRExpress kits are PCR based quick assay kits.
Available kits are either for human or mouse samples.
References, manual can be downloaded.
Wisbiomed is a San Francisco Bay area based technical sales and distributor of laboratory equipment, reagents.
The products include Nanodrop spectrophotometer, fluorospectrameter, Shimadzu Bio Mini, Wealtec Dolphin gel imaging, Micro flow imaging systems, unique fluorescent dyes and ready to use assay kits for T cell receptor clonality study.