Proxeon has announced a partnership with the University of Washington Proteomics Resource Center (UWPR), Seattle, which gives UWPR researchers access to the company's Proteincenter tool.
Proteincenter is a consolidated, biologically annotated, protein sequence database derived from all major protein databases to enable filtering, clustering and statistical bioinformatic analysis from single, combined or comparison datasets.
The UWPR is a proteomics facility whose mission is to advance proteomic technologies and apply those technologies to significant biological problems.
The facility provides access to instrumentation and computational support for resource members and their collaborators.
Jimmy Eng, a senior proteomics software developer within a team focused on software and data analysis needs for local proteomics researchers, said: 'Proteincenter complements the set of software tools currently used and being developed at the UWPR.
'The software facilitates data interpretation, multiple run comparisons, and allows a biologist to quickly drill down and find the answers to the questions that they want to discover from their proteomics datasets.
'This is all accomplished via a web-based user interface that is accessible from any desktop with a web browser.
'The interface is laid out intuitively, has rich functionality, and, most importantly, is easy to use.'