Metabolomics Australia has entered into a corporate agreement with Spectralworks for the supply of Analyzerpro MS data mining software.
Metabolomics Australia has network nodes in Victoria (University of Melbourne), Queensland (University of Queensland), South Australia (Australian Wine Research Institute) and Western Australia (University of Western Australia and Murdoch University) and the software will be used for standardised data processing of GC-MS-based metabolite profiling at all five nodes.
Analyzerpro is an MS data mining tool that performs targeted and non-targeted data processing.
The additional processing module, Matrixanalyzer, supplied with Analyzerpro allows normalised and semi-quantitative data to be produced from a sequence of samples, which fits in with the overall Metabolomics workflow adopted by the laboratories.
The company's plan is to extend this workflow to cover the LC-MS data processing requirements of Metabolomics Australia.