All Evaporation equipment

Centrifugal evaporator for drying nucleic acids
Eurotech | Added: 10 Nov 2004
Designed for rapid and efficient drying of DNA, RNA, methanol/water mixtures and buffer solutions, …

Non-contact sample protection system
Genevac Ltd | Added: 27 Oct 2004
Infra red pyrometer technology reads the sample temperature as samples rotate in the evaporation ch…

Safe evaporation of large liquid volumes
Genevac Ltd | Added: 20 Oct 2004
Flask holders allow users to evaporate large volumes, as they would on a rotary evaporator, but wit…

Affordable and effective sample concentration
Porvair Sciences | Added: 23 Sep 2004
Increases in sample throughput are achieved through evaporator head and manifold design, which dire…

Literature describes centrifugal evaporator
Genevac Ltd | Added: 15 Sep 2004
Available from Genevac is new literature describing its model HT-24 ultra-high throughput centrifug…

Solvent removal in non-ideal environments
Genevac Ltd | Added: 14 Sep 2004
The HT-12 Series II system from Genevac is designed to provide the ideal solution for evaporation b…

Double your evaporation speeds
Genevac Ltd | Added: 31 Aug 2004
Available from Genevac is a range of innovative solid aluminium heat transfer plates precision engi…

Evaporator for 96-well and 384-well plates
Biotech Solutions | Added: 2 Aug 2004
The heated holder can be removed for room temperature operation and the small footprint of the evap…

Safe removal of inflammable solvents
Genevac Ltd | Added: 16 Jul 2004
Inert purge unit controls the flow of nitrogen from a cylinder to the evaporation chamber, and is i…

Purification of drug-like compounds
Genevac Ltd | Added: 7 Jul 2004
Technical report demonstrates how automated centrifugal evaporation system compares favourably with…

High-speed evaporation for integration
Zinsser Analytic (UK) | Added: 6 Jul 2004
Evaporation speeds of less than three hours for four deepwell plates and a combination of heating, …

Versatile evaporators for large scale applications
Genevac Ltd | Added: 29 Jun 2004
Floor standing units are designed to provide ultra-high throughput solvent evaporation from samples…

Evaporation technology for life science research
Genevac Ltd | Added: 22 Jun 2004
20-page technical brochure provides introduction to ranges of centrifugal evaporators optimised for…

Efficient removal of strongly acidic chemicals
Genevac Ltd | Added: 21 May 2004
Centrifugal evaporator uses inert and corrosion proof materials to enable high concentrations of hy…

Free upgrade on solvent removal
Genevac Ltd | Added: 30 Apr 2004
Until the end of June 2004, customers will receive a higher specification benchtop centrifugal evap…

Chemically resistant vacuum distillation system
Finemech | Added: 8 Apr 2004
Unlike conventional rotary evaporation systems, the flask is not continuously rotated but is lifted…

Options for optimised solvent removal
Genevac Ltd | Added: 18 Mar 2004
Printed literature cannot keep pace with rapidly-growing range of centrifugal evaporator sample acc…

Fastest dry down from 96-well microplates
Porvair Sciences | Added: 18 Mar 2004
Evaporator unit takes just minutes to dry down a plate, replacing traditional techniques that typic…

Analytica 2004 preview: Genevac
Genevac Ltd | Added: 5 Mar 2004
Oil free evaporators based on scroll pump, making them ideal for use in harsh chemistry environment…

Benchtop evaporator extends versatility
Genevac Ltd | Added: 24 Feb 2004
Extended sampling functionality of centrifugal evaporator enables it to provide a productivity enha…