Latest White Paper

Lasers explore unchartered territory
Mettler Toledo | Added: 29 Jul 2014
Mettler Toledo has produced a white paper illustrating how tunable diode laser (TDL) gas analysers …

European Standard for Safety Storage Cabinets
Labtex | Added: 16 May 2014
This free guide from Labtex offers advice and guidance on this crucial decision and clarifies exact…

Why measure viscosity?
AMETEK Brookfield | Added: 15 May 2014
Brookfield Engineering Laboratories explain why the ability to gather data on a material’s viscosit…

Multi-angle light scattering polymer analysis
Wyatt Technology | Added: 14 Feb 2014
Macromolecular characterisation instrumentation and software firm Wyatt Technology has published a …

Automated high volume slide scanning
Prior Scientific | Added: 11 Nov 2011
Prior Scientific's PL-200 Slide Loader Provides for Automation of High-Throughput Megaslide scannin…

Invest in Photonics interest gaining momentum
Editorial reports | Added: 15 Sep 2008
Invest in Photonics, set for 11-12 December in Bordeaux, is gaining momentum with the announcement …

Help Laboratorytalk support speed record attempt
Editorial reports | Added: 8 May 2008
Ten Laboratorytalk readers can win a place at a celebratory dinner in Nottingham, UK, on 19 May 200…

Introducing Laboratorytalk TV
Editorial reports | Added: 9 Apr 2008
We went to Analytica 2008 armed with a video camera, and recorded some of the new products on displ…

Pittcon short course on effective use of media
Editorial reports | Added: 13 Feb 2008
PR consultancy Scott Partnership, plus Laboratorytalk's own Andrew Long, will present a short cours…

Technology steps up in counterfeit drug battle
Editorial reports | Added: 7 Jan 2008
Fake pharmaceuticals offer fast profits for their unscrupulous manufacturers, at the expense of the…

New appointments in the lab sector
Editorial reports | Added: 31 Dec 2007
A compilation of the latest announcements of new people in new positions in our industry, from seni…

Appointments round-up, November 2007
Editorial reports | Added: 16 Nov 2007
A collection of movers and shakers who have changed position recently in the laboratory sector, par…

Breaking the bioinformatics bottleneck
Editorial reports | Added: 17 Jul 2007
The rapid growth of high-throughput laboratories presents an enormous data management challenge whi…