Latest Product Update

Patent awarded for scientific data management

EISC | Added: 23 Jun 2005

Software requires no change to a lab's current analytical process, yet it directly and significantl…

Probing DNA with cytogenetic analysis software

Nikon | Added: 3 Jun 2005

Software for cytogenetic analysis facilitates the acquisition and interpretation of results from ma…

Trends and patterns in scientific information

Fiz Karlsruhe | Added: 23 May 2005

Advanced software to help information professionals analyse search results from scientific literatu…

Consumable software hits the bioinformatics street

BioAnalyte | Added: 21 May 2005

Novel licencing system allows the software to analyse individual data sets; users pay once and anal…

Analysis software for biomarker discovery

Nonlinear Dynamics | Added: 27 Apr 2005

Software for entry level trace analysis and visualisation will incorporate a range of adaptable ana…

Mosaic automation gives 10GB microimaging scans

Cambridge Technology Systems | Added: 7 Apr 2005

Considerable extensions in optical, SEM, and TEM performance can be achieved by integrating mosaic …

1D analysis software now includes colony counting

UVP | Added: 18 Mar 2005

Software features a full range of enhancement capabilities including rotation, embossing and other …

Eliminate data bottlenecks in drug discovery

Nanostream | Added: 1 Mar 2005

Suite of advanced analysis software modules help scientists simplify analysis of chromatograms, rap…

Automated quantification of array images

Koada Technology | Added: 16 Feb 2005

For the first time the vast majority of microarray images can be analysed reliably and consistently…

Consumable software solves chicken-and-egg problem

BioAnalyte | Added: 11 Feb 2005

Software product that vastly simplifies data analysis on unwieldy genomic and proteomics data sets …

Score with a single click on a comet

Perceptive Instruments | Added: 4 Feb 2005

Fourth generation interactive video-based analysis system for scoring cells using the single cell g…

Make graphs into data

Biosoft | Added: 28 Jan 2005

New features include the ability to digitise lines which 'go round in circles', ie, the line follow…

Improved analysis from continuous flow operations

Labtronics | Added: 25 Jan 2005

Software analyses output in continuous flow colorimetric applications, drastically increasing sampl…

Software aids combustion pressure analysis

Yokogawa - Test and Measurement | Added: 25 Jan 2005

Features include the ability to analyse and display multiple data simultaneously, so that analysis …

2D gel analysis made better

Bio-Rad Laboratories | Added: 8 Nov 2004

Upgraded software for the analysis of 2D electrophoretic gels offers new features including XML exp…

Comprehensive EPA and EDD reporting for ICP-MS

Thermo Fisher Scientific (Elemental Analysis) | Added: 3 Nov 2004

Software combination provides powerful tools for comprehensive reporting and electronic data delive…

Higher accuracy in cancer diagnostics

CiS Institut fuer Mikrosenorik | Added: 3 Nov 2004

European network develops cost efficient image processing tools for pathologists, enabling the thre…

Automatic recording of large high-res images

Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH | Added: 3 Nov 2004

Software module optimises image quality and boosts productivity by automatically recording high-res…

Visualise and compare pharma data

Bio-Rad Laboratories | Added: 12 Oct 2004

Comparisons across different research datasets are used to compare predicted values to experimental…

World's fastest 2D gel analysis

Syngene | Added: 1 Oct 2004

Software can analyse a typical 2D gel image in seconds, compared to many minutes or hours which is …