Latest Product Update

Website and catalogue moves Andor ahead
Andor Technology | Added: 6 Apr 2006
Andor Technology, a global provider of scientific digital camera solutions, says it is racing ahead…

Clearer capture of fluorescence, darkfield and DIC
Nikon | Added: 31 Mar 2006
With unique Peltier cooling and pixel stepping technology Nikon's high definition digital camera, t…

Deep-cooled, high-sensitivity digital CCD camera
Adept Electronic Solutions | Added: 29 Mar 2006
The QImaging Retiga-SRV CCD digital camera has been specially engineered for low-light, high-speed,…

Increased power from semiconductor 488nm laser
BFI Optilas | Added: 28 Mar 2006
Thanks to its collaboration with Picarro, BFi Optilas announces the latest addition to its Cyan las…

Taking frame grabber transfer rates to next level
Stemmer Imaging | Added: 28 Mar 2006
The X64-CL Express from Dalsa Coreco is a CameraLink frame grabber based on the PCI Express interfa…

200Watts fibre laser integrates GTWave technology
BFI Optilas | Added: 28 Mar 2006
Tool for many laser material processing applications such as micromachining, marking and engraving,…

High resolution, low cost thermal imager
InfraRed Integrated Systems (Irisys) | Added: 26 Mar 2006
Thermal imager gives those involved in predictive and preventative electrical and mechanical mainte…

CCD photometer delivers value and performance
Pro-Lite Technology | Added: 25 Mar 2006
PM-1400E is third-generation CCD imaging photometer from Radiant Imaging featuring improved opto-me…

Thermal imaging focus on security and surveillance
Cedip Infrared Systems | Added: 24 Mar 2006
Cedip Infrared Systems, specialist in thermal IR camera systems, has announced that the latest issu…

Minimal alignment reflecting collimators
Optical Surfaces | Added: 23 Mar 2006
A new technical datasheet that describes its range of high performance reflecting tube collimators …

Digital camera package fits most microscopes
Microscopes Plus | Added: 21 Mar 2006
Measuring software, a purpose built adapter that fits into a standard eyepiece tube (23.3mm) and a …

High speed linescan with no frame grabber required
Stemmer Imaging | Added: 20 Mar 2006
Spyder 3 Gig-E suits applications in the fields of flat panel display inspection, postal sorting, w…

IP67 compliant rough environment cameras from IDS
Stemmer Imaging | Added: 20 Mar 2006
The uEye cameras from IDS are a range of cost effective and ultra compact USB2.0 cameras for medica…

Price of high-speed digital camera is reduced
BFI Optilas | Added: 19 Mar 2006
Bfi Optilas has reduced the price of the Lightning RDT/16 high speed imaging camera.

Data sheets describe range of lens adaptors
Resolve Optics | Added: 16 Mar 2006
Resolve Optics has released a series of technical data sheets describing its range of high performa…

Frame grabber uses PCI Express interface
Stemmer Imaging | Added: 9 Mar 2006
The X64-CL Express from Dalsa Coreco is a CameraLink frame grabber based on the PCI Express interfa…

Ultra-fast temporal analysis benefits NDT
Cedip Infrared Systems | Added: 8 Mar 2006
Cedip's Silver 480M is a new state-of-the-art IR cooled camera that provides a complete acquisition…

Confocal microcsope wins product of the year award
Nikon | Added: 7 Mar 2006
C1si warranted this award due to its ability to simultaneously acquire fluorescence spectrum over a…

Lumenera scientific cameras now available from BFi
BFI Optilas | Added: 6 Mar 2006
With the recent signing of a pan-European distribution agreement between Lumenera and BFi OPTiLAS ,…

Ethernet enables remote multi-point IR monitoring
Cedip Infrared Systems | Added: 28 Feb 2006
Cedip Infrared Systems, specialist in thermal IR camera systems, has announced new high performance…