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bruker eflash HR

Bruker presents EBSD detector at Pittcon 2011

Bruker Nano Analytics | Added: 17 May 2011

Bruker launched its E FlashHR system, a high-resolution, high-sensitivity detector that enables ele…

Dynamic Array IFC for SNP genotyping applications

Fluidigm | Added: 17 May 2011

Fluidigm has introduced the 192.24 Dynamic Array integrated fluidic circuit (IFC), which is suitabl…

Spectrophotometer for OLED display testing

Craic Technologies | Added: 17 May 2011

Craic Technologies has introduced the 308 FPD spectrophotometer, designed to enable the high spatia…

Analyser detects FAMEs in aviation turbine fuel

PAC | Added: 17 May 2011

PAC has released an analyser that is designed to detect traces of fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs),…

Literature focuses on imaging particle analysis

Fluid Imaging Technologies | Added: 17 May 2011

New literature from Fluid Imaging Technologies explains how the FlowCAM particle imaging system ena…

Note discusses quality control using XRF analysers

Thermo Niton Analyzers | Added: 16 May 2011

Thermo Fisher Scientific has published an application note focusing on the quality control of low-a…

Cooled flow reactors suit organometallic chemistry

Vapourtec | Added: 16 May 2011

Vapourtec's cooled flow reactor range for applications ranging from organometallic chemistry to liq…

IKS introduces lab monitoring consultancy service

IKS International | Added: 16 May 2011

Monitoring system supplier IKS International has introduced a consultancy service that aims to offe…

Oxygen permeation analyser for food packaging

Systech Illinois | Added: 16 May 2011

Systech Illinois has introduced the Permmate oxygen permeation analyser, providing producers with t…

Sequencing systems reveals biology in real time

Pacific Biomarkers | Added: 16 May 2011

Pacific Biosciences of California is now shipping commercial Pacbio RS systems, which it expects to…

Test system provides liver disease diagnostics

Orgentec Diagnostika | Added: 16 May 2011

Germany-based Orgentec Diagnostika has developed Liver-9-Line, an immunoblot test for the serologic…

Laser particle sizer has range of 0.01-2,000um

Fritsch | Added: 13 May 2011

Fritsch's laser particle sizer Analysette 22 Nanotec plus is designed for the determination of part…

Mass spectrometer enables UHP gas analysis

Henniker Scientific Ltd | Added: 12 May 2011

Henniker Scientific has released the MAX300-LG Membrane Inlet Mass Spectrometer system, a benchtop …

GATC funded to develop pre-eclampsia test

GATC Biotech | Added: 12 May 2011

GATC Biotech and Lifecodexx have been funded EUR500,000 (GBP440,000) from the BMBF to develop a dia…

Mazet to present spectrum sensor developments

MazeT Gmbh | Added: 12 May 2011

Mazet is presenting the latest colour and spectrum sensor application-specific developments of the …

Online haematology courses gain CPD accreditation

Horiba Medical | Added: 12 May 2011

Horiba Medical's HELP web-based training courses for haematology and clinical chemistry have secure…

SANYO gains Medical Device certification

Panasonic Biomedical Sales Europe BV | Added: 12 May 2011

SANYO has gained Medical Device certification to European Council directives 93/42/EEC and 2007/47/…

Redesigned user interface for powder tester

Freeman Technology | Added: 11 May 2011

New software for Freeman Technology's FT4 Powder Rheometer offers a redesigned graphical user inter…

Diba introduces line of PEEK-cased ferrules

Diba Industries | Added: 11 May 2011

Diba has introduced its line of PEEK-cased ferrules, designed to provide an inert fluid path throug…

Bioo kit suits small RNA sequencing applications

Bioo Scientific | Added: 11 May 2011

Bioo Scientific has launched the Nextflex small RNA sequencing kit, which is designed for next-gene…