Latest Case Studies

Leeds extends microscopy capability
Hitachi High Technologies | Added: 16 Jun 2014
The University of Leeds Electron Microscopy and Spectrocopy Centre has extended its electron micros…

Asylum Research installs first Cypher AFM in China
Asylum Research | Added: 10 Aug 2011
Asylum Research has installed the first Cypher AFM system in China, at the South China Normal Unive…

Oil and gas firm buys automated petrography system
FEI | Added: 27 May 2011
Whiting Oil and Gas has purchased the Qemscan automated petrography and Helios Nanolab Dualbeam tec…

Nanogune installs FEI electron microscope systems
FEI | Added: 12 May 2011
FEI and the Basque Nanoscience Cooperative Research Center, Nanogune Consolider, have announced the…

AFMs enable characterisation of optical systems
JPK Instruments | Added: 16 Mar 2011
JPK Instruments reports on the work from the Light Technology Institute at the Karlsruhe Institute …

FEI wins microscope order from Canada laboratory
FEI | Added: 5 Jan 2011
CANMET Materials Technology Laboratory (CANMET-MTL), a research centre funded by the Canadian gover…

Dual AFMs used to probe fluid-surface interactions
Asylum Research | Added: 8 Dec 2010
Asylum Research has installed a dual-system order for a Cypher AFM and MFP-3D-SA AFM at the Cluster…

Cancer research institute selects Jeol microscope
Jeol USA | Added: 27 Oct 2010
Jeol has revealed that the David H Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research has selected the …

AFM enables imaging/detection of biomolecules
Asylum Research | Added: 27 Sep 2010
Asylum Research has delivered the Cypher atomic force microscope (AFM) to the Instituto Microelectr…

NIST orders atomic-resolution microscope from Jeol
Jeol USA | Added: 21 Sep 2010
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has ordered an analytical transmission el…

Jeol TEMs to expand electron microscopy core
Jeol USA | Added: 6 Sep 2010
Jeol USA has announced that Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, US, has selected two Jeol transmi…

Asylum supplies AFMs to Melbourne University
Asylum Research | Added: 1 Sep 2010
Asylum Research, a specialist in scanning probe microscopy/atomic force microscopy (SPM/AFM), has d…

Clairscope enables concurrent light microscopy
Jeol USA | Added: 14 Jul 2010
Jeol is to launch the first correlative microscope to enable concurrent light microscopy and atmosp…

FEI installs Titan S/TEM at nanoscience institute
FEI | Added: 1 Jul 2010
FEI has installed its Titan scanning/transmission electron microscope (S/TEM) at Zaragoza Universit…

Cypher AFM investigates archaeological materials
Asylum Research | Added: 29 Jun 2010
Asylum Research has installed the first Cypher AFM in Mexico at the Instituto Nacional de Investiga…

Delong LVTEM5 used in study of nanomaterials
Delong America | Added: 7 Jun 2010
A recent study has seen the LVTEM5 low-voltage electron microscope (LVTEM) used by the US Air Force…

Joel microscope performs oil shale analysis
Jeol USA | Added: 27 May 2010
Jeol has used one of its scanning electron microscopes to study the potential of oil shale.

Tabletop SEM installed in technology access centre
Hitachi High Technologies | Added: 14 May 2010
The first of Hitachi's TM3000 next-generation tabletop SEMs has been installed at the STFC Daresbur…

Titan Krios enables atomic-resolution imaging
FEI | Added: 5 May 2010
FEI has announced that the atomic resolution of viruses in solution has been achieved for the first…

Electron microscope used in marine studies
Delong America | Added: 4 May 2010
The LVEM5 bench-top electron microscope is being used by researchers at the Universite du Quebec a …