All HTS and combinatorial chemistry equipment

High throughput ion channel screening
Molecular Devices (UK) | Added: 14 Nov 2002
Complete turnkey system benefits drug discovery researchers by increasing throughput - to up to 300…

Automating combinatorial chemistry
Porvair Sciences | Added: 28 Oct 2002
High volume 24-well plates offer the advantages of automated and high throughput combinatorial chem…

'Fast and simple' drug-discovery screening
Thermo Fisher Scientific (Elemental Analysis) | Added: 4 Sep 2002
Procedure using Rubidium efflux assay technique and automated atomic absorption system delivers a s…

Three new high throughput screening technologies
Perkinelmer LAS | Added: 26 Aug 2002
World's first non-rad platform for GTP binding assays, new red-emission technology for uHTS imagers…

New HCS reader at the forefront of drug discovery
Cellomics Europe | Added: 17 Jul 2002
Allows users to extract vital data on the relative distribution and activity of cellular constituen…

Combinatorial chemistry emerges
Frost and Sullivan | Added: 15 Jul 2002
Growing importance of combinatorial chemistry for the pharmaceutical, material, and chemical resear…

New developments in high throughput synthesis
Zinsser Analytic (UK) | Added: 13 Jun 2002
Up to 600 parallel reactions in solid or solution phase can be carried out under inert reaction con…

Studying the dynamics of living cells
Cellomics Europe | Added: 27 May 2002
Use living cells in automated assays, with integrated automation and software to perform complex as…

High throughput solid phase extraction
Porvair Sciences | Added: 16 May 2002
Four-page technical brochure details range of products for high throughput solid phase extraction (…

HTS methods development in the fast lane
Porvair Sciences | Added: 19 Feb 2002
A new version of a 96-well solid phase extraction (SPE) plate has been introduced to accelerate the…

Cellomics wins more financing
Cellomics Europe | Added: 19 Feb 2002
Oxford BioScience Partners is leading a 'Series D' financing of up to $20 million to continue build…

Combinatorial chemistry in 96-well format
Porvair Sciences | Added: 18 Dec 2001
Porvair Sciences now offers its Microlute 96-well microplate system packed with a range of high per…

Investing in high content screening
Cellomics Europe | Added: 7 Nov 2001
Cellomics has announced that Serono Pharmaceutical Research has invested in high content screening …

High throughput screening expanded
Molecular Devices (UK) | Added: 15 Oct 2001
Molecular Devices has launched Flipr 3, a more sensitive, higher throughput version of the Flipr fl…

Automation for cell-based drug discovery
Cellomics Europe | Added: 10 Oct 2001
The ArrayScan HCS system from Cellomics is a proprietary drug discovery instrument that performs au…

New product system to automate HTS
RTS Life Science | Added: 21 Sep 2001
Automated production system for high throughput screening, the acCellerator, from RTS Thurnall, Ast…

1536-well high-throughput screening solutions
Beckman Coulter Life Sciences | Added: 19 Sep 2001
Beckman Coulter announces a number of technical advances in the Biomek FX and Sagian Core Systems p…

High content screening
Beckman Coulter Life Sciences | Added: 6 Sep 2001
Beckman Coulter has become the exclusive distributor of the new KineticScan reader, which analyses …

Ultra-high throughput screening at AstraZeneca
RTS Life Science | Added: 14 Aug 2001
Investment in an Assay Platform from RTS Thurnall and Activity Base software from IDBS should resul…

Probes for drug discovery and HTS applications
Popper And Sons | Added: 9 Jul 2001
Popper and Sons greatly expands its manufacturing capabilities of aspirating/dispensing probes