Latest Product Update

Technical datasheets for 3-dimensional atom probe
Oxford Nanoscience | Added: 23 Mar 2006
Oxford Nanoscience has introduced a series of technical datasheets covering a variety of aspects of…

Automated 3D crystallography featured at Pittcon
FEI | Added: 15 Mar 2006
At Pittcon 2006, FEI is featuring its EBS3 DualBeam system for rapid serial sectioning and 3D cryst…

FEI sponsors 2006 safer nano conference
FEI | Added: 6 Mar 2006
Advanced detection and analysis, coupled with proactive industry education, can pave the way for a …

Ultra-fast and sensitive SDD detector-based EDS
Bruker Daltonik GmbH | Added: 21 Feb 2006
Quantax Quad features the unique XFlash Quad detector - the first four-channel 40mm2 silicon drift …

TEM for high throughput comes to Europe
Hitachi High Technologies | Added: 8 Feb 2006
The PC-controlled H-9500 transmission electron microscope (TEM) from Hitachi High-Technologies is n…

FEI's Titan S/Tem receives industry honours
FEI | Added: 7 Feb 2006
Titan scanning transmission electron microscope (S/Tem), the world's most powerful commercially-ava…

Anisotropic etching parallel plate plasma etcher
SPI Supplies | Added: 4 Jan 2006
Designed for removal of passivation layer from an electronic device, and when the lines are below a…

Osmium coating for electron microscopy
SPI Supplies | Added: 3 Jan 2006
SPI Supplies is the worldwide distributor (outside of Japan) for the line of OPC Osmium Plasma Coat…

Electron microscopy films at half price
SPI Supplies | Added: 2 Jan 2006
Maco electron microscope films have been introduced to the electron microscope market as direct rep…

MRam manufacturers turning towards laser 3DAP
Oxford Nanoscience | Added: 21 Dec 2005
Developers of magnetoresistive random access memory are taking a interest in the Laser Three Dimens…

Greater sampling volume for 3D atom probe
Oxford Nanoscience | Added: 11 Nov 2005
Field of view has been increased by approximately 2.5 times compared to previous versions of the in…

New secondary electron detector for S-3400N
Hitachi High Technologies | Added: 11 Nov 2005
Hitachi High-Technologies has introduced a new environmental secondary electron detector (ESED) for…

TEM demonstration system in the UK
Hitachi High Technologies | Added: 10 Oct 2005
Hitachi High-Technologies has announced that the H-7650 ultra-high sensitivity digital imaging TEM …

High temperature accessory for Stem
Hitachi High Technologies | Added: 8 Aug 2005
Specimen holder for high resolution scanning transmission electron microscope enables atomic behavi…

Sputter profiling for SEM surface analysis
Thermo Fisher Scientific (Microanalysis) | Added: 15 Jul 2005
Faraday Plate Imaging package as an optional extra to supplement ion gun component package enables …

Probes for scanning electrochemical microscope
Trogone Instruments | Added: 16 Jun 2005
Innovative design of the scanning head coupled with the enhanced specifications of the bi-potentios…

Convert high voltages for electron microscopy
SDS Systems Development and Solutions | Added: 6 Jun 2005
Ultra-miniature DC modules are fitted in small housings that can be soldered directly to printed ci…

Five-segment BSD for variable pressure SEM
Hitachi High Technologies | Added: 20 May 2005
High sensitivity allows smaller spot sizes and beam currents to be used in BSD imaging leading to i…

X-ray detector delivers unique thin film analysis
Thermo Fisher Scientific (Microanalysis) | Added: 19 May 2005
Microbeam X-ray fluorescence metrology systems enable an unprecedented level of analysis for thin f…

Laser boosts atom probe power
Oxford Nanoscience | Added: 6 May 2005
Technology allows the evaporation, counting, identification and spatial location of individual atom…