Latest Product Update

Zymolyase allows rapid lysis of yeast cells
Amsbio | Added: 9 Oct 2009
Zymolyase, available from Amsbio, is a lytic enzyme mixture that offers superior and broad-based bi…

GoTaq qPCR Master Mix has high PCR sensitivity
Promega UK | Added: 25 Sep 2009
Promega has launched the GoTaq qPCR Master Mix, which provides high PCR sensitivity enabling the de…

Maxwell 16 kit used in H1N1 surveillance tasks
Promega UK | Added: 18 Sep 2009
Promega has launched the Maxwell 16 viral total nucleic acid purification kit.

Frozen tissue arrays validate biological targets
Amsbio | Added: 3 Sep 2009
Amsbio is offering a range of frozen tissue arrays for validating the clinical relevance of potenti…

Maxsignal kit screens for melamine contamination
Bioo Scientific | Added: 28 Aug 2009
Bioo Scientific is developing protocols to allow the Maxsignal melamine enzymatic assay kit to be u…

Amsbio BME generates positive researcher feedback
Amsbio | Added: 26 Aug 2009
Amsbio has reported positive feedback from researchers using the Cultrex range of basement membrane…

Facsmax solution dissociates clumped cells
Amsbio | Added: 20 Aug 2009
Amsbio has released Facsmax, a gentle and effective cell disassociation solution.

New Iphone App simplifies biological calculations
Promega UK | Added: 19 Aug 2009
Promega has added Biomath Calculators to its Iphone App to allow it to perform molecular biology ca…

Amsbio launches direct activity assay kits
Amsbio | Added: 22 Jul 2009
Amsbio has announced further additions to its enzyme assays portfolio, including new direct activit…

Expanded qPCR portfolio includes assay scales
Integrated DNA Technologies | Added: 16 Jul 2009
IDT has expanded its Primetime qPCR portfolio to include assay scales that enable more affordable g…

VW Select measures von Willebrand Factor activity
Biodata | Added: 3 Jul 2009
Biodata has announced the launch of VW Select, an all-in-one Ristocetin Cofactor Assay that measure…

Amsbio launches kits for proteoglycan research
Amsbio | Added: 5 Jun 2009
Amsbio has announced a number of new kits for proteoglycan research.

Biomarker analysis maximises sample information
Quotient BioResearch | Added: 5 Jun 2009
Quotient Bioresearch has reported how its multiplexed assays are delivering more data, on a greater…

Probetec Qx amplified assays are CE marked
BD Diagnostics | Added: 4 Jun 2009
BD Diagnostics has announced the CE marking of the BD Probetec Qx amplified DNA assays to improve d…

Fret-based thrombin assay kit launched by Anaspec
Anaspec | Added: 2 Jun 2009
Anaspec has announced the launch of SensolyteO 520, a Fret-based thrombin activity assay kit.

Toxicity assay kits improve drug delivery methods
Bioinformatics | Added: 1 Jun 2009
Bioo Scientific has announced the launch of its Maxdiscovery toxicity assay kits that monitor in-vi…

Spark vitamin D assay is acetonitrile-free
Spark Holland | Added: 1 Jun 2009
A method for low-level determination of the 25-mono-hydroxy-metabolites of vitamin D2 and D3 in pla…

Amsbio offers custom polyclonal antibodies
Amsbio | Added: 26 May 2009
Amsbio is offering milligram quantities of highly purified, phospho-specific polyclonal antibodies.

Caco-2 evaluates in vitro intestinal absorption
Admecell | Added: 18 May 2009
Admecell has introduced a ready-to-use Caco-2 cell assay for in vitro intestinal absorption evaluat…

MDS enhances image acquisition/analysis software
Molecular Devices (UK) | Added: 8 May 2009
MDS Analytical Technologies, a provider of solutions for drug discovery and life-sciences research,…